LINK Class
Meet N Greet
Every 2nd Sunday @ 10:15am
Are you a new guest? Been visiting for a while and now ready to take the next step? Interested in learning more about the Woodland Community? Want to meet Pastor Tim? This is the place!
Are you a new guest? Been visiting for a while and now ready to take the next step? Interested in learning more about the Woodland Community? Want to meet Pastor Tim? This is the place!
LINK Class
Get Connected
Every 3rd Wednesday @
Classes meet on the following dates from 10:15-10:45am in the Woodland Academy building. These classes are led by Jenny McKindles and are a great way to learn more about Woodland Community Church and what Church Life is all about.
Classes meet on the following dates from 10:15-10:45am in the Woodland Academy building. These classes are led by Jenny McKindles and are a great way to learn more about Woodland Community Church and what Church Life is all about.
LINK Class
Start at anytime!
Imagine is our 4-week journey of self-discovery in how we relate to Jesus and others in our lives. We tackle 4 core topics: Testimony (A Story to Tell), Time (A Schedule to Keep), Talents (The Gifts to Use), and Treasures (The Resources to Share). You will meet others newer to Woodland and won't believe the fun connection that happens as you journey together! Imagine happens every month! For more information on our Imagine experience, tap the button above or HERE.
Imagine is our 4-week journey of self-discovery in how we relate to Jesus and others in our lives. We tackle 4 core topics: Testimony (A Story to Tell), Time (A Schedule to Keep), Talents (The Gifts to Use), and Treasures (The Resources to Share). You will meet others newer to Woodland and won't believe the fun connection that happens as you journey together! Imagine happens every month! For more information on our Imagine experience, tap the button above or HERE.
West Side Community Group Dinner/Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 5 @ 6:30pm
Groups have one, simple purpose to bring people together to know Jesus more. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life he intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why groups exist to make these life-changing relationships, relevant, and accessible to you where you live. For this event, we are calling all people that live west of the interstate to a dinner and interest meeting on Wednesday, February 5 at 6:30 PM at Woodland. We would love to gather together eat dinner and share vision for what we are calling small group pods if you’re able to come, please sign up using the button above.
Valentines Movie
Friday, Feb 14 @ 6:30pm
This is a fun Adult Valentine Movie Night at the Riverwalk in Bradenton! Bring your special person and come down for a fun community event with popcorn and a food truck available for dinner. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs too! See you there!
Child Dedications
Sunday, Feb 23 @ 10:55am
God, delights and children. He takes great pleasure in them! It is our desire as a church family to partner with parents on their child, spiritual journey. It’s a sweet time for parents to make a commitment before the Lord to submit their child to God‘s will and to raise that child according to God‘s word in God ways. Our next baby dedication will be on Sunday, February 23 at the 10:55 service. If you are interested in having your child dedicated to the Lord, please sign up above by tapping the button!