55 yrs & Older
Calling all Silver Singles age 55 and older to become a part of our new Ministry here at Woodland. Whether you are widowed, divorced, or never married - this is your community!
If you have any questions or would like to know deatils for Silver Singles next event, please don't hesitate to contact Melanie Richards mrichards@woodlandministries.com
If you have any questions or would like to know deatils for Silver Singles next event, please don't hesitate to contact Melanie Richards mrichards@woodlandministries.com
The mission of the singles ministry at Woodland is to go beyond the walls of Woodland by fellowshipping with other single Christians. In doing so we will strive to edify, strengthen, and encourage one another. Through these acts of love, encouragement and fellowship we are able to continue to grow in Christ, and allow God’s glory to be illustrated in our lives!

18 yrs-30yrs
At Woodland, our motto is that every day matters. At Woodland Young Adults, we seek to affirm that by creating a community of young adult believers that desire to make a difference for Christ in their personal lives, and in their community. Woodland Young Adults is for any Young Adults, 30 or below! And no you don't necessarily have to be single.
Connor Long leads this group for Woodland, please reach out to Connor if you would like to get on the contact list for events. connor@gowoodland.com