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Hello Woodland,
Let's do this!

Each Session has a video TO help you lead

Imagine the Fully Devoted Life is a book study and series about self-discovery in how we relate to Jesus and others in our lives. We tackle 4 core topics: Testimony (A Story to Tell) Time (A Schedule to Keep), Talents (The Gifts to Use)  and Treasures (The Resources to Share).
This self-guided video experience is based off of the IMAGINE Book written by Dr. Tim Passmore, and can be picked up for free at our Welcome Desk any Sunday. Take a chapter at a time and let the videos guide you through the IMAGINE book experience. If you have any questions, please contact Melanie Richards by email  melanie@gowoodland.com for information. 

session 1: TESTIMONY

session 2: TIME

session 3: TALENTS

session 4: TREASURE