What is Imagine?
Imagine the Fully Devoted Life is a personal study about self-discovery in how we relate to
Jesus and others in our lives. We tackle 4 core topics:
Testimony (A Story to Tell) Time (A Schedule to Keep), Talents (The Gifts to Use) and Treasures (The Resources to Share). This is also a study which allows us to dig deeper in your own lives. You will meet others newer to Woodland or in a new season at Woodland, and you won't believe the fun connection that happens as you journey together! This course was written by our very own Pastor Dr. Tim Passmore, and is only 4 weeks long. It is held on Sundays at 9:30am - 10:45am, so you are welcome to attend and then worship at the 10:55am service. There is a new IMAGINE course offered the beginning of every month throughout the year.
You'll be learning more through God's word, evaluating yourself in specific areas of your life and spending time with God through daily quiet times to help you communicate with God about your personal growth. If you are interested in engaging in a group, you can click the link above to sign up.