Welcome to Woodland!
No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, Woodland Church is for you! We invite you to come just as you are and be part of this community of people who are connecting to Jesus and to one another.
What to Expect
We know that showing up to a new place for the first time can be intimidating, but at Woodland, we hope that you feel right at home from the moment you pull into the parking lot! As a first-time guest, we’d love to connect with you to help you feel comfortable and we’ll be with you every step of the way. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we’ll have a member of our FIRST TIME GUESTS team ready to meet you on Sunday, show you around, help you check in your kids and find great seats!
Come As You Are
We encourage you to wear whatever you would normally wear because we’re more interested in getting to know you than what you’re wearing.
What About Kids?
Woodland Kidz is a safe, fun, and friendly environment available for children birth - 5th grade. We’ll help you check your children in and give each of you a matching code so that only you can drop off and pick up your children. We build safe, fun and friendly environments where kids can discover who God is and how they fit in His story. We also have a thriving Middle School and High School Ministry. We would love to introduce our Pastors to you and your students when you come!
How Long Does The Service Last?
Our services last about 60-70 minutes. You can expect to hear some great music, see lots of friendly faces, laugh more than you expected to at church, and hear teaching from the Bible. We put all the verses on screens, and give you links to follow along on your phone if you’d like. No one will ask you to stand up and speak in public, or start singing a solo of the The Star Spangled Banner.
Am I Expected To Give Money?
We do encourage those who call Woodland Church ‘home’ to give their tithes and offerings during our church services or online. However, there is NO ‘expectation’ on any of our guests to give… In fact, we design every worship service to be a ‘gift’ to YOU! We believe that all our giving is in response to God and part of worship. It is important to us that our guests do not feel pressured to give financially.
Thank you for considering Woodland Community Church when choosing where to Worship!
We're excited you will be joining us.