"Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Phliippians 4:6
At Woodland, we believe in prayer. In fact, our staff prays over the requests that come in weekly together and daily as individuals. We also have a team of people that have committed to praying for our church, our community, our nation, and our world.
(If you're interested in being a part of this group, click HERE)
With this in mind, we thought that it would be important for us to provide an opportunity for our entire church to be praying for Woodland and it’s ministries specifically. From this thought, the Prayer Walk was born. In the following pages, you will find specific prayer requests written by the leaders of each of the ministries. Please take your time praying over each of these requests as you move throughout the building. But we also ask that you take this booklet home and use it as a prayer guide in your daily walk with Jesus as you pray for your church and it’s ministries.
We hope and pray that this opportunity will strengthen your connection with the Lord, but more importantly, impact change in the lives of those in our community, nation, and world through the ministries of Woodland Community Church. That Jesus would be made known. So, won’t you join us not just today as we walk the halls of Woodland, but every day as we seek to REACH, GROW, GIVE, and SERVE
Your Woodland Staff
At Woodland, we believe in prayer. In fact, our staff prays over the requests that come in weekly together and daily as individuals. We also have a team of people that have committed to praying for our church, our community, our nation, and our world.
(If you're interested in being a part of this group, click HERE)
With this in mind, we thought that it would be important for us to provide an opportunity for our entire church to be praying for Woodland and it’s ministries specifically. From this thought, the Prayer Walk was born. In the following pages, you will find specific prayer requests written by the leaders of each of the ministries. Please take your time praying over each of these requests as you move throughout the building. But we also ask that you take this booklet home and use it as a prayer guide in your daily walk with Jesus as you pray for your church and it’s ministries.
We hope and pray that this opportunity will strengthen your connection with the Lord, but more importantly, impact change in the lives of those in our community, nation, and world through the ministries of Woodland Community Church. That Jesus would be made known. So, won’t you join us not just today as we walk the halls of Woodland, but every day as we seek to REACH, GROW, GIVE, and SERVE
Your Woodland Staff