July 7 – July 10
Registration opens April 1
Say YES to vbs!
Prepare to zoom in for VBS 2025
Discovering the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things
July 7 th – July 10 th 9am to 12:30pm
Rising Kindergarten through Completed 5 th Grade
Have you ever noticed the details in a butterfly’s wings? Have you ever focused on the flowers blooming in the spring? If you look closer, then you will discover there is always something God wants you to see. Our amazing God is not only the Creator of all things, but He also cares about His creation, right down to the tiniest detail. And the Bible tells us that people are the most significant part of that creation. God created you and knows every detail about you—right down to the design of your fingerprints and the number of hairs on your head. God cares about everything that happens to you.
“Proclaim the Lord’s greatness with me; let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3
During this week, kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Register today for this big yet small adventure!
*Children who are entering Kindergarten in Fall 2025. Option for 5 th Graders attending or serving*
Questions? Contact Pastor Mike Wilder mike@gowoodland.com
Discovering the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things
July 7 th – July 10 th 9am to 12:30pm
Rising Kindergarten through Completed 5 th Grade
Have you ever noticed the details in a butterfly’s wings? Have you ever focused on the flowers blooming in the spring? If you look closer, then you will discover there is always something God wants you to see. Our amazing God is not only the Creator of all things, but He also cares about His creation, right down to the tiniest detail. And the Bible tells us that people are the most significant part of that creation. God created you and knows every detail about you—right down to the design of your fingerprints and the number of hairs on your head. God cares about everything that happens to you.
“Proclaim the Lord’s greatness with me; let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3
During this week, kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Register today for this big yet small adventure!
*Children who are entering Kindergarten in Fall 2025. Option for 5 th Graders attending or serving*
Questions? Contact Pastor Mike Wilder mike@gowoodland.com
July 7 - 10
9:00am - 12:30pm
Rising Kindergarten through Completed 5th Grade*
*Children who are entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024. 5th Grade option of attending or serving*
Worship Center
Thursday, July 10th 6:30 – 8:00pm
Join in the fun as we wrap up this year’s VBS with the children performing VBS songs on stage,
finding out who won our offering challenge, and watching our VBS Highlight Video. After the
program, everyone is invited to participate in Seed Packing through Hope Seeds International.
The packed seeds will be distributed throughout the world to help relieve hunger and restore hope!
July 7 - 10
9:00am - 12:30pm
Rising Kindergarten through Completed 5th Grade*
*Children who are entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024. 5th Grade option of attending or serving*
Worship Center
Thursday, July 10th 6:30 – 8:00pm
Join in the fun as we wrap up this year’s VBS with the children performing VBS songs on stage,
finding out who won our offering challenge, and watching our VBS Highlight Video. After the
program, everyone is invited to participate in Seed Packing through Hope Seeds International.
The packed seeds will be distributed throughout the world to help relieve hunger and restore hope!
For VBS to be successfully, we need YOU. We need both adults and youth to help magnify the
bigness of God to the kids. We have a variety of positions for this year’s VBS ranging from group
leader, specific rotation leader, to help with prep week. All these positions are key in making
VBS better than last year! We need 150 leaders to serve at this year’s VBS. Sign up for the
specific position you are interested in. For questions about a position, email
bigness of God to the kids. We have a variety of positions for this year’s VBS ranging from group
leader, specific rotation leader, to help with prep week. All these positions are key in making
VBS better than last year! We need 150 leaders to serve at this year’s VBS. Sign up for the
specific position you are interested in. For questions about a position, email
Memory Verse:
Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!
Pslam 34:3
Pslam 34:3
Questions? Contact Pastor Mike Wilder mike@gowoodland.com