Fall-A-Palooza Information & Registration Go To Events Page

The Woodland Academy


An opportunity for personal growth

Registration opens August 14, 2024

Starting Wednesday September 11, 2024 @ 6:30pm

Course durations are 6-8 weeks (check Course description)
Classes are 1 hour Only

Our mission is to impact our community in a transformative way. To equip adults to live spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy lives through teaching, and networking in the context of families, community, and work settings.  


Biblical Studies

Dewayne McFarlin
Dewayne is the Executive Pastor at Woodland Community Church. Prior to going full time on church staff in 2008, Dewayne spent 20 years in Christian Publishing.  He led the business aspects of two significant multi-million dollar Bible translation projects.  1) The Holman Christian Standard Bible which was a 4 year, $12 million dollar project to create a readable Bible in contemporary English from reliable early manuscripts in an effort to equip serious Bible students with an accurate translation based on optimal equivalence.  Optimal equivalence is the balancing of word for word translation and thought for thought where an English word might not exist.  When a literal translation exists it is used.  When clarity and readability demand it, an idiomatic translation is used. 2) Holman Mandarin Translation which was a 4 year, $10 million dollar project using the same methodology to create a translation from early Greek and Hebrew manuscripts into Mandarin without first converting into English.  

Intentional Parenting

Mike WIlder
Pastor Mike has been a children’s pastor for over 17 years, seeing numerous children grow up knowing
and loving Jesus. He has a background in elementary education and a master’s degree in church
discipleship. Pastor Mike is a husband, married for 16 years, and a dad with four children ranging from
12 years of age to 3 years of age. He loves being active with his family outdoors and just being a big silly


John & Rochelle Ward
John & Rochelle have been married for 26 years, and have 3 daughters, a wonderful son in-law and 3 gorgeous grandkids.  They have led the Marriage Ministry for 3 years at Woodland. They are passionate about healthy marriages and how they can transform families and build legacy. Their testimony starts with being very young and newly married when their circumstances moved them in with Rochelle's grandparents.  The Grandparents poured so much into them at that time, if they had not lived with them they would not have had the experience of seeing a healthy and loyal marriage walked out on a daily basis. Witnessing that daily walk turned out to be one of the biggest blessings God has given to their marriage.
They are excited to go on this journey of marriage with you!


James Hahn Jr
I accepted Christ in 1947 in Miami, FL. I retired as a Sr. VP of computer systems development in 1994. After retiring, taught Project Management to executives at the Universities of Prague & Budapest in a program to help ex-Iron Curtain countries migrate to capitalism, and a similar course to Business Seniors at the U of Northern Kentucky before moving back to Columbus, OH to be with grandchildren. I have been on mission trips to Russia, and the Philippians helping to teach the word, teach Christian business practices and financial planning. I have led studies before on the dangers of Islam as well as progressive ideologies. 


Tim Passmore
Author Dr Tim Passmore knows what it is like to experience unhealthy emotions and the challenges we face because of them. He has struggled with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Bipolar Type II Disorder since childhood. His journey has taken him through formal training in psychology, counseling and
treatment by medical professionals. As leader of The Woodland Community, he has committed himself to helping individuals thrive in all areas including their emotional lives..



Greg Art
Greg Art holds a master’s degree in theology from Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He served the Lord in full-time Christian ministry for 21 years as a Pastor and as a Minister of Evangelism/Discipleship. He currently teaches algebra to special education students at Sarasota High School. He is a native of Bradenton. He has been married to his wife (Joy) for 39 years. He has three daughters (Kim, Rebekah, and Hope), plus

WAFA Director:

Jaakan Thompson 

Pastor of Adult Ministries 
My name is Jaakan Thompson but everyone calls me Jay! I was born and raised in Miami, FL which makes me a fan of Cuban food and the Miami Hurricanes. I met my lovely wife Jessica Thompson at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. We have 2 daughters, Jonelle and Jaycee Grace. I have done ministry in Miami, Pittsburgh, Nashville and Chicago. One of my favorite joys in ministry is to witness the power of God's love change someone's life. I look forward to being a part of what God is doing at Woodland Community Church. 




Course Title: TBD

6 week Course


Course Title: TBD

6 week Course 

Course materials will be provided in class.


Course Title: Intentional Parenting 

6 week Course

All parents, at times, resort to quick-fix parenting: things we do to stop a kid's negative or annoying behavior. Quick-fix parenting may temporarily ease stress levels, but it does little to positively impact a child's future. Quick-fix parenting is not a long-term strategy, but intentional parenting can be. Intentional parenting is a way to raise children to become healthy, independent young adults. It's based on solid principles which, applied over time, actually result in less-stressed parents and happier, better- adjusted, and more successful kids. Intentional parenting means you've got more than good intentions; you've got a plan.
This class is large group video lead with small group discussion. Optional book/study guide available to deepen the concepts that are covered. Course material by Doug and Cathy Fields
Instructor: Pastor Mike Wilder

Session 1: Strong Belief and 24/7 Role Model
Session 2: Encouraging Words and Genuine Affection
Session 3: Consistent Presence and a Peaceful Home
Session 4: Delicate Discipline and Activate Responsibility
Session 5: Positive Memories and Serious Fun
Session 6: Partnership and the Church


Course Title: TBD

6 week Course


Course Title: TBD

8 week Course


COURSE TITLE: Art Of Marriage

6 week Course

Your Marriage. God’s Masterpiece.
Every marriage has its strengths and its stresses. There’s not one that can’t be improved, fine-tuned, made stronger—or even overhauled—if needed. In this six-session series made in partnership with FamilyLife, discover a transformative marriage resource designed to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse. Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for decades, this series can be your path to a stronger, more beautiful masterpiece of God’s handiwork.

Instructors: John & Rochelle Ward 

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you. Matthew 6:33

Unwavering Love.
Resilient Love.
Selfless Love.
Forgiving Love.
Intimate Love.
Missional Love.


COURSE TITLE: Special Interest Studies: Islam vs Christianity & Social Justice, CRT, 1619 Project & THe CHurch

6 week Course

This class is a 2-part study.

Islam vs Christianity

This study is  aimed at educating Christians on Islam so that they know the background, beliefs and can see the errors in its defenders arguments. It examines Islam's guiding documents and compares the Quran wit the Bible. Examines modern Muslim's beliefs and possible reforms in Islam. The study ends with how God is working to bring many Muslims to Him, and how Christians may be used in those opportunities. 
Instructor: James Hahn

Social Justice, CRT, 1619 Project & The Church

This is a study on the 1619 Project, CRT & SJ; their goals, implementation plan; how beliefs compare to Biblical truths, its belief about the church , the types of churches it attracts, how deeply it is imbedded in our culture; & the winning response of the church.

 The study uses materials from 1619/CRT/SJ founders & advocates; critiques by credible theologians and other leaders; comparisons between its teachings and the Bible ; and relevant articles describing SJ activities, plans & results to date.


Course Title: Every Day Matters
Sowing Seeds of Faith Daily, Sharing The Gospel With Ease, and Reaping a Harvest.

6 week Course

In this class you will learn how to:
1) overcome your fear of talking to others about God,
2) sow seeds of faith in your daily life,
3) watch for and recognize divine appointments,
4) share your personal testimony,  
5) share the Gospel message in a non-threatening way,
6) lead others to pray to receive God’s gift of eternal life,
7) what to do when they become Christians.
Instructor: Greg Art

We will be using the book titled "Sharing The Gospel with Ease" by Thom Rainer. Please purchase the book by tapping on the button above to follow along in class. 


Course Title: THe Gospel of John

6 week Course

The author cites the purpose of the gospel of John as follows: “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31). Unlike the three Synoptic Gospels, John’s purpose is not to present a chronological narrative of the life of Christ but to display His deity. John sought to strengthen the faith of second-generation believers and bring about faith in others, but he also sought to correct a false teaching that was spreading in the first century. John emphasized Jesus Christ as “the Son of God,” fully God and fully man, contrary to a false doctrine that taught the “Christ-spirit” came upon the human Jesus at His baptism and left Him at the crucifixion.
Instructor: Dewayne McFarlin

We have the kids covered Too

Our AWANA program meets on Wednesday nights 6:15pm - 7:30pm, during the school year, and is open to children from ages 3 through 5th grade. Through a new theme each week, Awana teaches children about Jesus by learning memory verse, Bible teaching, game time, and fun! With our faithful volunteer leaders, the goal of Awana is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. Mandy Hinton is our Awana Commander mandyhinton2@gmail.com
Childcare is available for preschool/nursery age during this time.

Indicate Kidz needs on registration form for Academy!