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This is the Lord’s declaration. I look favorably on this kind of person:
one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at My Word.

Isaiah 66:2


New Episode Every Wednesday!

The Treasured Podcast will be hosted by Melissa Wolford and special guests will be invited for great convo regarding the passage of the week.
** Please Note: To listen to the latest episode of the TREASURED PODCAST tap the Spotify logo below in the upper right hand corner and search TREASURED on our Woodland Podcast Page. Also, feel free to submit questions to be answered on the next TREASURED podcast! 


By Melissa Wolford

May 23, 2024  Word Study on “Wisdom”

“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding; furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding, if you seek it [wisdom] like silver and search for it [wisdom] like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” ~Proverbs 2:1-6

The book of Proverbs holds a very special place in my heart.  Not only because it is chocked full of all these golden nuggets of wisdom, but because when I first started digging into God’s Word, this is where I started.  When my children were very young, my mom came over with this tiny devotional book in her hand and said “Let’s work through the book of Proverbs together!”  I thought to myself, “I think I can handle this.  I’m already familiar with Proverbs.  In fact, I have some of the verses memorized, so this should be a breeze.”  Boy, was I wrong.  

That devotional ended up being an inductive study on the book of Proverbs.  What does that mean? The inductive approach usually has three primary steps: Observation: What does the Bible say?
Interpretation: What does the Bible mean?
Application: How does the Bible apply to my life today?

So I went through the whole book of Proverbs with that approach and I drew two conclusions afterwards.  One: I realized how foolish I actually was.  And Two: I did not know my Bible as well as I thought I did.  Then this hunger stirred inside of me.  Just as a woman craves chocolate, I craved the Word of God.  I could not get enough! The Holy Spirit just grabbed me by the hand and took me on a wild journey through the Bible.  

As we deep dive into this word study on wisdom together, this is my prayer:  May the Holy Spirit grab you by the hand, guide your heart, and take you on your own journey through the Scriptures.  His Word is living and active, and “is able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 
(2 Timothy 3:15) So grab your Bibles, notebook, highlighters, and pens and let’s dive into God’s Word!

Week 1: Everyone associates the book of Proverbs with wisdom, which they should.  But did you know that the Tanakh (TaNaKh), the Jewish Bible, was set up in three parts?  T - Torah, which is the Law; N - Nevi’im, which is the Prophets; K - Ketuvim, which is Writings.  Within the books of Writings are 3 poetic books, Psalms, Proverbs, and Job; 5 scrolls, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther; and the remaining books, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles.  In fact, the actual order in the Tanakh, after the Law and the Prophets, is Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes,  Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 & 2 Chronicles.  These are all considered books by which to glean wisdom, since they reflect the history of the Israelites.  Because Jesus grew up in the temple (Luke 2:41-49) and “increased in wisdom and stature” (Luke 2:52), the Scriptures would have been taught this way to Him.  Let’s start off meditating on Proverbs this week. (Hint: Wisdom is a keyword)

Day 1:  The Value of Proverbs - Proverbs 1:1-7
a. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you
b. Read through the Proverbs passage a couple of times
c. Use the Inductive Method to draw conclusions to what this passage is saying

Day 2:  The Petition of Wisdom - Proverbs 1:20-33
a. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you.
b. Read through the passage a couple of times
c. Use the Inductive Method to draw conclusions to what this passage is saying

Day 3:  The Value of Wisdom - Proverbs 2:1-22
a. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you
b. Read through the passage a couple of times
c. Use the Inductive Method to draw conclusions to what this passage is saying

Day 4:  The Petition to Trust - Proverbs 3:1-26
a. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you
b. Read through the passage a couple of times
c. Use the Inductive Method to draw conclusions to what this passage is saying

Day 5:  Reflection and Meditation - “Lady Wisdom” - Proverbs 8:1-36
a. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you
b. Read through the passage a couple of times
c. Use the Inductive Method to draw conclusions to what this passage is saying
d. Meditate on this chapter for the weekend. Soak in Wisdom’s Appeal. My suggestion is to replace the “she”, “I”, “me”, and “my” with the word “wisdom”.  

Extra Credit:  Search through Proverbs and find other passages that mention wisdom.  Use the same inductive method to study these passages.

Our Suggestions!

Suggested Resources and Study Tools 

MOnthly Reading List

Choose a Community Group

Several Women's Groups available just look in the descriptions!


Common Table Group

Bringing People Back To The Dinner Table!
Everyday, like clockwork, we get hungry and have to work through the age-old question of "what's for dinner?".   Young or old, single, or married, with or without kids, we have to feed one or more persons each and every day.  Join us to learn a tried and true method for advance meal planning for a week or a month.  Find new recipes, new friends, and new methods for planning, shopping, prepping, and assembling meals that can be refrigerated to eat that week, or frozen to eat later in the month.  In this one day cooking class we will offer 12 meal selections. (You can make as many of the meals as you desire.)
The cost for the day is based on the number of meals you will be preparing. There is one class scheduled for each quarter of the year
2024 dates are as follows, all Saturdays; Feb 24th, June 8th, August 3rd, and November 2nd. 

Tap the link above for details and registration!

Women's Bunco Night

Friday, July 12 @ 7pm

Come and enjoy a fun night of Bunco with our TREASURED Women! Invite your friends and neighbors, bring your own favorite snacks, and lets enjoy laughing and relaxing as we play Bunco! If you don’t know how to play come anyways and we’ll teach you- its very easy to learn. No need to sign up. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you there!

Bunco (also spelled bunko or bonko or buncko) is a dice game  with twelve or more players, divided into groups of four, trying to score points while taking turns rolling three dice in a series of six rounds. A bunco is achieved when a person rolls three-of-a-kind and all three numbers match the round number which is decided at the beginning of the round.


Thursday, August 22 @ 6:30pm 

A six-week video-based Bible study designed for women in order to better understand who they are. Ribology was designed for you to be encouraged, empowered, and equipped to be all God has called you to be. Ribology was birthed out of a sincere desire for a deeper understanding of God’s design for us as women, so together we can play our part more fully to advance His Kingdom. This 6-week study will be led by  Sara Ochs and Jenny McKindles! Registration opening in June at www.gowoodland.com/grow 

God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. 

Psalm 46:5

She speaks with wisdom and teaches with kindness. She opens her mouth with discretion, and on her tongue is the law of kindness 

Proverbs 31: 25-26

Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.

Revelation 4:11

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