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The Journey Begins.

Seekers, Starters, and Returners to the Faith Journey, we see you! You are at the right place at the right time. We want to give you a comprehensive overview of the journey God has you on. Take a look through the information below. Stay open to what God may be telling you and where He is leading you. This is the beginning of something wonderful! 

There's so much to experience!...

How do i become a Christian?


Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. 

Accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior. Say the simple prayer down on the page below and then tell someone! Jesus tells us! Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Me."
John 14:6
Here is a simple prayer if you have not yet given your life to Jesus and invited him into yours:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.

The most important relationship for every one of us is our relationship with Jesus Christ. Choosing to believe that he is who he claimed to be—the Son of God and the only way to salvation—and receiving him by faith as your Lord and Savior is the most vital act anyone will ever do. We want life. He is Life. We need cleansing. He is the Living Water. Welcome to the family of God!

Please let us know that you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior by just tapping the button! We would love to pray for you and we have a beautiful new bible to give you!

How does god want me to let others know i'm a christian now? 


raised to walk in newness of life.

The Bible encourages you to follow Christ's example and be baptized as a symbol of your faith in Him. Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 2:38
When you are baptized, you are visually preaching the gospel. As you stand in the water waiting to be baptized, first, you symbolize Jesus dying on the cross. Second, you symbolize Jesus buried in the tomb as you are lowered into the water. As you are raised from the water, you symbolize Jesus rising from the dead.

 And since you personally are being baptized, you are also saying, "I died with Jesus Christ, I was buried with Him and now I am raised with Christ to a brand-new life."In short, in your baptism, you are confessing the faith without using any words at all. And your confession in your baptism will be more effective with your friends than any sermon the pastor preaches on Sunday morning—more effective because it comes directly from you.

What tools do i need to walk this journey of faith?

Word Of God

The ultimate authority 

The Word of God is our instruction book for our faith so it's essential you have it and read it.  If you would like a digital copy please download the YouVersion Bible App in your App Store. If you are able to come to the Woodland Campus, we have a physical Bible we would love to give you as a free gift! Just tap the button below. Also, we recommend the free digital New Believers Devotional available on the Bible App., it is excellent for new believers or for those exploring the Christian faith.

DEVOTIONAL: New Believers: 7 Steps for New Christians

Welcome to the Family of God! Discover how you can know God, how to study your Bible, pray, attend Church, obey God, give to God, and share your faith. This 7-Day Devotional helps you get started!Pastor Greg Laurie guides you through 7 key first steps as you begin your journey with Jesus. Discover how you can know God, how to study your Bible, pray, attend Church, obey God, give to God, and share your faith. Readings are from the New Believer’s Bible which has been trusted by over 10 million Christians to help them start their walk of faith. 

Do I need help in understanding how to put my relationship in action?

Discipleship classes

It's Time TO dig in 

We offer 2 discipleship classes to help build a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. We encourage you to participate in both if you are able. Each class is offered a couple times a year.  

** The next available class being offered will allow for sign ups. If you see "unpublished" on the form then that class is not being offered at this time. 

Theology and the Mission of God

Living for Jesus requires knowing Jesus, and understanding core doctrines helps us know Jesus.

Theology and the Mission of God, one of three studies in the Deep Dive series, is an 8-week, group-discipleship resource. This journey will lead group members out of their comfort zones and into deeper spiritual maturity as they study and apply core doctrines from the global Church. 

The Story of God

Anyone who wants to understand their own story must understand the gospel story of Jesus told throughout the Bible.

The Story of God, one of three studies in the Deep Dive series, is an 8-week, group-discipleship resource exploring the overarching redemptive narrative of the Bible. Traveling chronologically from Genesis to Revelation, this study will remove the intimidation factor and allow participants to discover the story of Jesus on every page of the Bible. This discovery will equip participants to join Jesus in that big story.

Do I need help in understanding how to live the christian life?

1:1 Mentoring

Woodland's 1 on 1 mentoring 

Christian mentoring is about more than self-improvement or personal development. It’s about helping people become more and more like another person, and that person is Jesus. Mentoring is an opportunity to receive a different perspective, be held accountable, and to get good, godly advice.
Our Spiritual Formation Director is Danielle DeJesus. Please contact Danielle by tapping on the button. Danielle would love to get you connected with a seasoned Mentor that can walk beside you as you journey with Jesus. We believe this is one of the best steps you can take to grow! 
Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. Christian mentoring is about more than self-improvement or personal development. It’s about helping people become more and more like another person, and that person is Jesus. Mentoring is an opportunity to receive a different perspective, be held accountable, and to get good, godly advice.  

Do i need a daily/Weekly rhythm to help in my walk with Jesus?

Live It Out


LIVE IT OUT is a simple four step "rhythm" to commit to in order to develop and maintain a fully devoted life to Christ. A good life requires a good rhythm—a pattern of movement regularly repeated over time. As Christians, our whole life, no matter when or in what context, consists of loving God and loving others—just like Jesus did. By holistically understanding the rhythm of the Christian life, we move from surface living into the depths of life—from splashing around in the shallows with our floaties on to going out twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Start your quiet time with God by reading this great devotional. 

Let's Connect

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below if you have any questions or just need encouragement.